Sundays training ride went really well again. I was first over Cleves Hill again - it's not much of a climb but it's nice to get one over on the whippets. This week my policy was balls out up it and at he summit my legs were burning but recovery was swift.
I was asked my opinion this week on the two bikes we have been offered for the ride from Cannondale and Dolan so my bike geekness is now out in the open so I expect I'll be ribbed over this on Sunday.
With regards to the Blazing Saddles challenge (LEJOG in 80 hours) I've been tasked with coming up with the spares list and a list of bike shops on the route - all good fun and the kind of planning I love (told you I was a geek).
Training wise during the week it hasn't been great if I'm honest. My dog hasn't been well and should have had an operation but they found issues with his liver so I've faltered somewhat but hopefully he next training ride on Sunday will sort my head out. This weekend will be my last ride with the team until 19th April as supporting the wife next weekend as she runs the Liverpool half marathon then got two weeks in Cornwall so hopefully will get a ride in every other day while I'm down there.
This weeks training run is below - a few more lumps this week but nothing more than I have on my runs around home from what I can see.